今月より順次、大学に住所の登録がある同窓生の皆様へ「Friends of ICU 2018年度募金趣意書」を送らせていただきます。
国際基督教大学 アドヴァンスメント・オフィス
Tel: 0422-33-3041 Fax: 0422-33-3763
e-mail: foi@icu.ac.jp
“Friends of ICU - AY2018 Fundraising Prospectus”: Announcement & Request
We trust this message finds you in excellent health and spirits. Thank you very much for your ongoing understanding and
support of International Christian University’s educational and research endeavors.
International Christian University (ICU) was founded in 1953 immediately following World War II based on Christian
ideals with the mission of “cultivating internationally minded citizens who perform service to God and humankind and
make contributions to lasting peace.” Educational facilities, of course, but also student dormitories and faculty residences
dot the campus that was purchased with donations from persons who supported the founding ideals. Students, faculty,
and staff who gather from around the world provide an environment in which they learn from each other in diverse settings.
Globalization efforts that characterize ICU were selected for the “Top Global University Project” of the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. In the midterm evaluation at the end of AY2017, ICU’s project “Creating
responsible global citizens through a global liberal arts education” received “S,” the highest grade. In AY2018, new physical
education facilities will be completed, and further enhancement of the student learning environment is being planned.
However, dialogue-oriented small-group education requires outlay that exceeds payments made by students. This difference,
amounting to approximately 3,000,000 yen per student for 4 years, has been covered since ICU’s establishment by donations
and investment returns from endowments.
From this May, "Friends of ICU - AY2018 Fundraising Prospectus" will be sent to the alumni, whose addresses are registered
at ICU.
To this day, ICU’s ideals have been supported and realized with your kindness. Please continue your support for the
development of a “university of tomorrow” that gazes beyond the times.
Advancement Office, International Christian University
Tel: 0422-33-3041 Fax: 0422-33-3763