講演題目:ICU卒業後の歩み (My Life after ICU)
雨宮 健(あめみやたけし)
東京都出身の経済学者。スタンフォード大学名誉教授。専門は計量経済学。 国際基督教大学卒業後渡米。アメリカン大学大学院修士課程、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学大学院博士課程を修了して経済学博士号取得。世界の主要経済学術雑誌への論文引用件数は約3000件を数え、これまでにノーベル経済学賞受賞に最も近づいた日本人と言われている。
Lecture title: ICU卒業後の歩み (My Life after ICU)
Date and time: Friday, April 13, 2018 12:45-13:45
Place: International Conference Room, 2nd fl. Dialogue House
Language: Lecture in Japanese (Q&A in English is welcome)
An ICU graduate (entered CLA in 1954) and the noted econometrician, Dr. Takeshi Amemiya(雨宮健), Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics, Emeritus of Stanford University will give a lecture during the convocation hour for ICU students, faculty and staff. We look forward for your participation.
An economist born in Tokyo. Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics, Emeritus of Stanford University. Field of specialization: Econometrics. After graduating from ICU, Dr. Amemiya received M.A. from American University, Washington, completed the doctoral program at John’s Hopkins University and received Ph.D in Economics. The number of citations of his works in the world’s major academic journals in economics counts over 3000. He is said to be the Japanese who reached closest to the Nobel Economics Prize.
Translated and partly amended from “Ima wo kagayaku dososei-tachi no interview (Shining Alumni Interview)”, ICU Alumni Association website.