The 5th Annual Conference of Japan Association for Human Security Studies will be held on 12-13 December 2015 at International Christian University.
同窓会DAY賞2013受賞の有馬利男さんがSpecial SessionのKeynote Speechを担当。
Human Security: Problem-Solving and Critical Perspectives.
The Plenary Session - Dec 12(sat) 13:00-16:00 (free of charge for everyone)
> Kyenote Peakers:
Prof. Keizo TAKEMI
Prof. Kinhide MUSHAKOJI
Prof. Mustapha Kamal PASHA
Special Session
> Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Toshio ARIMA (President of UNGC-JN, recipient of ICUAA-DAY award 2013, 10期)
> Planner
Dr. Chika Saito(Crown Agent, Board Member of HSF, ID80)
主催 sponsor
The 5th Annual Conference of JAHSS, ICU
共催 co-sponsors
Social Science Researth Institute(SSRI), ICU
Rotery Peace Center, ICU