第20回 DAY賞(Distinguished Alumni of the Year – DAY2025) が決定しました

ICU同窓会では、それぞれの分野で活躍され、大学および同窓会の魅力度・知名度を高めることに貢献した方々を、毎年「DAY (Distinguished Alumni of the Year)」として表彰しています。第20回となりますDAY賞2025の受賞者は以下の皆様です。表彰式は、2025年3月29日(土)開催の同窓会「桜祭り」にて行われる予定です。

授賞者 (敬称略)

  • 神保 哲生  JIMBO, Tetsuo(29期 ID85 社会科学科。ビデオジャーナリスト/ビデオニュース・ドットコム代表)
  • 星野 博美  HOSHINO, Hiromi(32期 ID88 社会科学科。作家、写真家)
  • 石山 アンジュ  ISHIYAMA, Anju(56期 ID12 アーツ・サイエンス学科。一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会 代表理事、一般社団法人Public Meets Innovation 代表理事)


神保 哲生  JIMBO, Tetsuo(29期 ID85)


Tetsuo Jimbo - He was born in Tokyo in 1961. At the age of 15, Mr. Jimbo moved to the United States, enrolling at Columbia University. Mr. Jimbo then transferred to ICU, graduating from the Department of Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts in 1985. Mr. Jimbo then returned to Columbia and earned master's degree in journalism at the Graduate School of Journalism in 1987. After working as a reporter for US news organizations such as the Christian Science Monitor and the Associated Press, Mr. Jimbo went independent and in 1999 founded "", Japan's first video news station on Internet. As a pioneer in videojournalism, where journalists themselves use a video camera as a tool of reporting, Mr. Jimbo specializes in global environment, international politics, and media ethics, and produced a number of award-winning films. He has also authored and translated many books.

星野 博美 HOSHINO, Hiromi(32期 ID88)


Hiromi Hoshino - Writer and photographer, lived in Hong Kong as an exchange student with the Chinese University of Hong Kong while a student at ICU. She lived in Hong Kong again from August 1996 to October 1998, between the China conversion, and wrote a book about her days there as “No Moss Grows in Rolling Hong Kong.” The book won the 32nd Souichi Oya Nonfiction Award. Based on a memoir left by her grandfather in his later years, she traced her roots back to her own ancestors who emigrated from Kishu to Boso in the Edo period, and published “Konyaku-ya Hyoryu-ki” (winner of the 2nd Ikeru Book Award and the 63rd The Yomiuri Prize for Literature). She also won the 49th Osaragi Jiro Prize for “The World Began in Gotanda”, which describes the area where her family has lived since her grandfather's generation from the wartime period to the present. Observing society as an extension of herself, she continues to express the world from her unique perspective in words and photographs, interweaving the objective and the subjective.

石山 アンジュ ISHIYAMA, Anju(56期 ID12)

2012年にICUを卒業後、新卒でリクルートに勤務し、その後クラウド事業に参画。2018年にはミレニアル世代に焦点を当てたシンクタンク、Public Meets Innovationを設立し、代表を務める。また、デジタル庁シェアリングエコノミー伝道師をはじめ、多数の公職を通じて、政策の推進や規制緩和に関与し、政府と民間の架け橋としての役割を担っている。さらに、一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会代表理事としても活躍中。テレビ朝日「羽鳥慎一モーニングショー」などにコメンテーターとして定期出演し、また著書には『シェアライフ-新しい社会の新しい生き方』、シェアリングエコノミーを通じた社会の未来を描くなど、幅広いメディア活動を展開、「シェア」の思想を通じて、新しいライフスタイルを提案に尽力。

Anju Ishiyama is a social activist and a prominent figure in Japan's sharing economy landscape. She has dedicated her career to advocating for and promoting the principles of the sharing economy throughout the country. Her efforts extend beyond spreading awareness; she is actively involved in regulatory reform and policy-making to create a supportive environment for sharing initiatives.

As the founder of Public Meets Innovation Japan, a think tank established in 2018, Anju plays a pivotal role in shaping discussions among millennial leaders. Anju holds significant public roles. She serves as the representative director of Sharing Economy Association Japan, where she bridges the gap between government policies and private sector innovations. Her contributions are vital in facilitating dialogue and cooperation among various stakeholders in the sharing economy. Additionally, as a Sharing Economy Evangelist for the Japan Digital Agency, Government of Japan, she acts as a key link between government initiatives and public interests, guiding the nation toward a more integrated and sustainable sharing economy. Anju’s insights and experiences are captured in her book, “SHARE LIFE - Dive into Sharing Economy,” and she frequently shares her expertise as a commentator on leading TV news shows. Furthermore, she is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council Japan. Her work continues to inspire and advance the sharing economy movement in Japan and beyond.





ICU Alumni Association / DAY Selection Committee