第19回 DAY賞(Distinguished Alumni of the Year) 2024 が決定しました

ICU同窓会では、それぞれの分野で活躍され、大学および同窓会の魅力度・知名度を高めることに貢献した方々を、毎年「DAY (Distinguished Alumni of the Year)」として表彰しています。第19回となりますDAY賞2024の受賞者は以下の皆様です。表彰式は、2024年3月30日(土)開催の同窓会「桜祭り」にて行われる予定です。

受賞者 (敬称略)

  • 吉川 元偉 YOSHIKAWA, Motohide (18期 ID74 社会科学科。国際基督教大学 特別招聘教授)
  • 八田 陽子   HATTA, Yoko (19期 ID75 語学科。味の素株式会社、広栄化学株式会社、および日本製紙株式会社社外取締役。小林製薬株式会社社外監査役。ICU評議員)
  • ウィリアムズ(半田)郁子 WILLIAMS (HANDA), Ikuko (26期 ID83 語学科。英国国教会司祭、聖路加国際病院非常勤チャプレン)



吉川 元偉 YOSHIKAWA, Motohide(18期 ID74)


Professor Yoshikawa: An ex-diplomat. With a strong desire to become a diplomat and contribute to the peace, he studied International Law at ICU and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974. After having studied Spanish in Spain and worked in Argentina, the UK, France, Thailand, the US, he was appointed as Ambassador to Spain in 2006.  Later, he held various important ambassadorship such as the first Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, and Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2013. After retiring from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2016, he has been serving as Distinguished Professor at ICU from 2017. At ICU, he has been helping those students who aim for careers as diplomats or international civil servants. He received decorations from Spain, Argentina, Morocco and Mongolia. He is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

八田 陽子 HATTA, Yoko(19期 ID75)

味の素株式会社、広栄化学株式会社、および日本製紙株式会社社外取締役。小林製薬株式会社社外監査役。ICUでは語学を専攻。卒業後子育てをしながら米国公認会計士の資格を取得し1988年に、Peat Marwick Main & Co. (現KPMG LLP NY)に入社。主に日本企業の米国子会社向けに「米国の税務」サポートを行った。2002年に帰国後は、ピートマーウィック税理士法人(現KPMG税理士法人)のパートナーとして主に価格移転問題を担当した。NY在住時はICU同窓会北米部支部長。

Independent Outside Director for Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Koei Chemical Co., Ltd., Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd., Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Member of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.    At ICU, she majored in Language. After graduating and spending time as a family person, she joined KPMG LLP in New York in 1988 where she provided tax services mainly for US based subsidiaries of Japanese firms.  When she returned as a partner of KPMG Japan, she mainly supported tax issues in the transfer pricing area.  She Contributed to ICU as Chairperson of ICU Alumni Association in the Americas during her stay in NY.
She served as Auditor of ICU for 15 years until May this year.  She is continuing serving as a Councilor of ICU.

ウィリアムズ(半田)郁子 WILLIAMS(HANDA), Ikuko(26期 ID83 語学科)


Revd Ikuko Williams lived in Leeds, UK for 30 years from 1989. In 2008, she was ordained as a priest for in the Church of England, as the first Japanese woman to do so, and later served as a health care chaplain at the University Hospitals of Leeds. Through encounters with former prisoners of war, who were living with trauma-turned-anger from their experiences in Japanese prisoner of war camps during World War II in Southeast Asia, and through the unexpected experience of reconciliation with them, she has been advocating the importance of reconciliation between individuals living with the negative history of war.
Since returning to Japan in 2019, she has consistently promoted activities to encourage discussion on the theme of “reconciliation,” such as organizing various book groups, speaker-events and summer retreats under the name of the “ICU Reconciliation Forum”, contributing to an exchange project between Japanese and Korean students organized by her husband, current ICU Vice President Mark Williams, and practising ecumenical Christian ministry. In addition, she continues to offer a listening presence and spiritual support for students, at her home in ICU, which is part of ICU’s tradition, and through ‘Tebanaspace’, a monthly online listening space which she co-runs with a member of faculty and a graduate.




ICU Alumni Association / DAY Selection Committee