JICUFは1月10日(金)にマンハッタンにて新年会を開催します。このイベントは現在北米の大学に交換留学中の現役ICU生をニューヨークに招く「ICU Student Weekend」に併せて開催するものです。NY在住の方のみならず、ご旅行やご出張でNY訪問中のICU卒業生の皆様、是非ご参加ください!詳細及び参加お申し込みはこちら
JICUF will hold a New Year’s party in NYC on Friday, January 10th. It will be held during JICUF’s “ICU Student Weekend” when current ICU students on an exchange program in the US and Canada will spend time in NYC. Come and celebrate with these 30 current students, alumni, and friends! Click here for more details and to register.
日時 | 1/10 (Fri) 18:00-20:00 |
場所 | Sarabeth's Park Avenue South (381 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10016) |
参加費 | Tickets: $40 / $30 Early Bird Ticket (until 1/6) / $20 Young Adult (under 30)
If you prefer to pay at the door, email Fernando Rojas at frojas★jicuf.org
(Replace ★ with @ when using)
お問い合わせ | 日本語でのお問い合わせは stokai★jicuf.org 東海まで(★を@に変えてご利用ください) |