2024年3月30日開催 桜祭りのお知らせ Sakura Matsuri on March 30, 2024
(※)DAY賞(Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award)は、今年は3名の方に贈られます。
This Alumni Association’s “Sakura Festival” is a comprehensive annual event, comprising the General Assembly, the Distinguished Alumni of the Year Awards, and a semicentennial celebration of graduation, which the class of 1974 is invited this year. All association officials and staff hope that many ICU alumni will return to the campus to enjoy the beautiful campus and renew old friendships.
(※)DAY Award (Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award) is going to be presented to three alumni this year.
参加をご希望の方は委任状をご提出下さい(下記 「参加申込」 最後行を参照)。
The General Assembly will be live-streamed. The streaming is one way and viewers are not able to vote in polls. Those who would like to make a vote should submit a proxy in advance. (See the attendance form.)
日時 | 2024年3月30日(土)開始 13:00 開場 12:30 |
場所 | 大学礼拝堂にて 同窓会総会、DAY賞表彰式、卒業50周年記念式典 |
参加費 | 15:00頃より大学食堂にて懇親会(茶会) |
申込方法 | お願い:総会への出欠の如何に関わらず、出欠のご連絡をお願い申し上げます。 Note: Please submit the attendance form below whether or not you are going to participate in the General Assembly by filling in the following form. https://forms.gle/4X5Nke1Wt5aqw4Rh7
メールまたは郵送での出欠連絡の場合は以下の項目を明記してください。 |
お問い合わせ | <出欠連絡・お問合せ・Contact>
補足事項 | ※社会情勢の変化などにより、プログラムに変更が生じる可能性がございます。 |