北カリフォルニア支部では恒例の秋のBBQ同窓会を9/18(日)にウッドサイドの森の中で開催します。北カリフォルニアで活躍する同窓生との再会、出会いを楽しめればと思いますので、 ご家族お誘いの上、 是非ご参加ください。
9/18(Sun)11am ICU x Sophia BBQ Alumni party
@Huddart Park, West Meadow Picnic Area . 1100 Kings Mountain Rd, Woodside, CA 94062
This year, our annual meet-up will be in beautiful nature forest in Woodside, yes a new place! Please bring something to grill or potluck to share for 2-3 people, the host will provide a hotdog, water/soda and utensil. Japanese/English used book fair will be open too, please donate if any books are waiting for a new owner in your book shelf.
Cost: $8 per person; $15 for two persons; no charge for children 12 or under.
Payment: paypal.me/icunorcal or cash/check at the door.