Lecture Invitation『Connective Thinking for Low-Exergy Built Environment』( Fri. 05 Nov. 2021)

International Christian University Tokyo: World of Physics Open Guest Lecture

Speaker: Prof. em. Dr. Masanori Shukuya 宿谷昌則, 東京都市大学 名誉教授、LEXSdesign 研究室, Tokyo City University, LEXSdesign lab.

Registration (free of charge): Send Email to Eckhard Hitzer, hitzer【at】icu.ac.jp

Title: Connective Thinking for Low-Exergy Built Environment

Fri. 05 Nov. 2021, 11:30-12:40  online (Zoom)

We will have an open lecture for students and staff of ICU, and interested people from outside ICU, to be able to join as well.

Abstract: Energy use for our everyday life should be reduced for saving the Earth, our global environment. Such a statement has been given by almost all mass media from TVs, Newspapers, and Internet; it is also used as the main topic in various local and international conferences and others. We have thus come to know that there are so-called global environmental and energy issues to be solved hopefully as soon as possible. But, in order to help solve the issues, we need a rational way of thinking. In this lecture, I will demonstrate what has been so far clarified to make our most immediate living space, built environment, be sustainable from the viewpoint of thermodynamic and human-biological thinking. I hope that this small lecture could help the participants start developing their own way of thinking for their respective problems to make them interesting, to be understood better, and thereby to be solved rationally.
About the speaker: Masanori Shukuya, Ph.D., is professor emeritus, Tokyo City University. He used to work for the Department of Restoration Ecology and Built Environment, Yokohama campus, Tokyo City University (YC-TCU). His major interests in research and education are 1) the development of exergy evaluation methods for various built-environmental systems for human thermal comfort to realize rational use of low-exergy resources; 2) field and experimental studies on human responses to actual built-environmental space with passive- and active-system designs; and 3) holistic development of built-environmental education for better knowledge transfer. Based on his research work in relation to exergy approach to understanding a variety of the built-environmental systems.

The Japanese Institute of Architects has awarded him two prices, one for his academic work and one for his excellence in teaching. He also published several prominent books:

1) Exergy: Theory and Applications in the Built Environment, Springer, 2013
2) Bio-Climatology for Built Environment, CRC, 2019
3) 持続可能な世界のために For a Sustainable World: 省エネ・再エネの可能性 と大学の挑戦 Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and the Engagement of Universities in Japan, Amazon KDP, 2021 (bilingual)
4) and a couple of Japanese books as well, see the list here:

He already gave several popular lectures at ICU in the past (see the presentation videos):