AY2020 Winter Term VPAA Lecture Series
Liberal Arts Seen from the Perspective of the Coronavirus Crisis
2020 will be remembered as the year of COVID‐19. How have the faculty at ICU responded to the pandemic? Please join us for five special lunchtime lectures where faculty members will explore how they have been thinking about the Liberal Arts during the time of the novel coronavirus. Prof. Robert Eskildsen, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, invites faculty members from various departments at ICU to talk about their efforts on Zoom Webinars. Please register using the URL below to participate in the Webinars! You will receive a Zoom ID number after you complete your registration, and you can use the same ID number to participate in any of the sessions.
Register Form https://icu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bIqtUu1nTHCGv3ewzhOAlg
>(English)VPAA Lecture Series・Liberal Arts Seen from the Perspective of the Coronavirus
Contact: International Christian University aag[at]icu.ac.jp
Cooperation: Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum