「ICU国連の会」 同窓会支部は、国際連合・国際機関で活躍する/していた、あるいは同分野でのキャリアを目指す同窓生らが集うネットワークとして、2024年に発足しました。同窓生同士の交流や、国連キャリアを目指すICU在校生との接点を作ることを目的とし、年に2回ほどイベントを開催しています。
支部長:大竹日和奈 (ID24)
The ICU United Nations Association Alumni Chapter was established in 2024 as a network for gathering alumni who are/were/aspire to work in the United Nations and international organizations. The chapter holds events twice a year with the aim of promoting networking among UN/ICU alumni and creating contacts with current ICU students who are pursuing careers at the United Nations.
By utilizing the network formed through the activities of this chapter, including career counseling, information exchange, sharing of alumni experiences, and collaboration with the ICU Career Support Office, we aim to increase the number of ICU alumni who are active as international civil servants within the United Nations system and other relevant organizations.
Based on the “Internationality (International),” “Christianity (Christian),” and “Academic Commitments (University)” that make up ICU's name, the charter supports current ICU students who aim for careers in the United Nations system to become people who contribute to “peace,” the founding principle of ICU, as well as to other principles of the United Nations Charter of “development cooperation” and “human rights” and creates opportunities for alumni who are/were on this path to be connected.
We look forward to hearing from ICU alumni who have been active in the United Nations system and other relevant international organizations.
Branch Manager: Hiyana Otake (ID24)
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